Sunday 28 Sept. Arrived same location approx 8:00 am. Then searched around for a Soap Box without success, I returned approx 10:00 am. Stood in the middle of the Square displaying 2 banners – VEGETARIANISM & BAN TOBACCO (see previous post's) my bag was searched again PC.20227. and I received a further receipt. Sergeant 4095 + other PC asked me to move into the protesters compound, I refused saying I was operating within the parameters of Article 10 ECHR. They said if I did not move I would be arrested for a 'Breach Of The Peace' or 'Causing a Disturbance,' Inspector Osborne and other PCs became involved in a discussion approx 6 in total, after a few minutes they all walked

Monday same location the Square (See video-'Conservatives Through a Lens') (See video-'Labour through a Lens') had a verbal confrontation with the man from Forest (So called 'Freedom Organisation for the Right to Enjoy Smoking Tobacco') who said that I was a bully: I had made loud statements saying the Tobacco Industry was the 'Filth of the world' and that Jesus said of those who would harm children that 'It would be better for them if a large millstone be put around there necks and they drown in the depths of the ocean', also that tobacco had nothing to do with freedom but had a lot to do with addiction and slavery! I then invited him to speak, he said I was a bully, it was about this time that Boris Johnson appeared I asked him "Boris is tobacco- addiction freedom or slavery? After a long pause he replied, "I think it's a bit of both isn't it?" I then had a verbal confrontation with Nuclear Power lobbyist, I was asking in a loud voice 'Is there anyone who likes Nuclear Power Stations?' Inspector Osborne went over to him and asked if he felt- "Harassed, alarmed or distressed?" he replied, "No".
At 6:00 pm. I had intended going to a Fringe meeting on 'Conviction Politics', chaired by the Rt. Hon Ian Duncan Smith, but I was arrested before I got there: I thought I would quickly check out the meeting on Architecture (Riba) at the City Hotel (start 5:45), I arrived approx 5:15 pm. sat down and was told to leave because I had previously disrupted Climate Clinic meetings and was accused of shouting about the Pope and Tobacco (at one of their meetings at the Lib Dem Conference In Bournemouth 2008).
I said to the accuser I was happy to leave his meeting but first I needed to know his name because he was making false allegations, he refused to give his name, I then suggested if he wanted me to leave he phone the police, he said he would get the manager which he did, I explained to the manager but he asked me to leave, I suggested he phone the police, 10 minutes later 2 PCs arrived PC6831 asked if they could have a word outside, I said "yes," when I got up, I said, "Could I explain?" and was immediately put in 2 arm locks and manhandled out of the room, in transit I shouted, “What’s going on!” was pushed into a corner, handcuffed and brutally removed from the hotel.
On exit from the hotel the manager held the door open, I said to him, “Did you allege violence?” he did not reply but PC 6831 replied (Something to the effect I had been intimidating delegates and aggressive?), I was then pushed backwards into the seat of the van (The handcuffs caught on the window frame of the van, making my wrist bleed). On route to the police station I complained that the actions of the police were completely out of order and explained what had happened.
At the police station I explained my side of the story to the desk sergeant, which was videoed. PC6831 said he was acting on information received, later he changed his story saying I had resisted and something about I had intimidated delegates? I was eventually informed that I would be released at 10:30 pm. after the City Inn Hotel had closed, so that no further BOP. would result, (Computer information about me and Harassment Alarm and Distress presumably the F.A. arrests was accessed). I was then placed in a cell and some hours later informed that they had changed their minds and I would now be detained over night, charged with causing a BOP. and taken to court in the morning, I was later awoken at approx 4:00 am. and given a restriction order so no matter what happened in court, when I left the court I had to go straight to the station and catch a train to Manchester, after I read this I replied, “No” and gave the documents back to the PC and WPC, he insisted I take a receipt, I said I would use it as evidence.
At court I spoke to the Duty Solicitor (Mr. Ian Vesey tel. 0121 443 2222) who said it was not a BOP. The Prosecutor stood up and said that after talking with her colleague the prosecution had decided to drop the case, I then displayed the restriction order and informed the magistrate that I had no intention of complying with it, the clerk of the court said the order had nothing to do with the court and told me to speak to the police and if I said anything more I would be in contempt of court!
Whilst my possessions were being returned I was informed that I was to be re-arrested after leaving court and then that I was not to be re-arrested, my placard & banners were not returned-I was told they were at the police station, on leaving court I was greeted by name by 2 plain clothed conference security police officers (armed?) who wanted to speak to me, I said I had no time, they then followed me back to the police station, after waiting half an hour or so in the police station I complained that they were following me, they said they wanted to know what my intentions were, I said we are not in Russia this is supposed to be a free country! I asked who they were, they said police officers - conference security, I asked one of them for his number he said, PC Mc Lelland 8096. They then desisted. I was eventually given back my Placard and Banners after signing a disclaimer at 14:12 pm. (Inspector Warren Heyns & PC8861), I then returned to the ICC square and continued as before.
A vicar gave a sermon about the times we live in, it seemed there was only me and a WPC. who listened to him, the content was OK but he could have done with a soap box and amplification.
Later I went to a fringe meeting:
Child Poverty, Fabian Society. When asked for questions I said, that I thought that Ian Duncan Smith was wrong when he said that working our way out of the economic crisis was the only solution, it was my view that we needed to analyse the way that we live and start living efficient lifestyles and that becoming vegetarian would be a good start. no response and grumbles from the audience. I had met Ian Duncan Smith earlier in the week outside conference he said that he agreed with my 'Ban Tobacco' banner:
BAN TOBACCO. Health Minister & Actors Smoking are enticing children into holocaust. 1 billion deaths this century (W.H.O.) That's 15 times greater than the total war dead of the 20th century. http://www.actorssmokingfilmstv.blogspot.com/
See Injunction to Stop Actors Smoking (go to p.42 proceedings & p.86 judgement)
INJUNCTION against Attorney General (Lord Goldsmith) Minister of DCMS (Tessa Jowell) and Police Commissioner (Sir Ian Blair).
Over the week I went to several Fringe meetings; some of the questions: Meeting on The Economy, the panel were advocating re-establishing our industrial base. I asked, "It seems to me- The more work the more climate change!" no response.
At another meeting to Boris Johnson I asked, "Boris a few weeks ago the front page headline in the Observer was "Eat Less Meet to Stop Climate Change." Would Boris tell us how much above sea level the Olympic site is?" he replied he did not like the idea of shooting all the cows and that the Thames Barrier would protect us from a sea level rise of a metre or two! (It is forecast that sea level will rise 18 metres if the Arctic melts!) If the sea rises only 2 metres a lot of the Olympic site could be under water!
On Wednesday I attempted to construct the model of Domicile Allotments (see image above) but there was a gale blowing, in the end I gave up. The animal rights people turned up to protest about the proposed re-legalisation of Fox Hunting. The GMB about a strike, and the Union Jack man and others. (see video)
I also made the point regarding "Nuclear Power Stations" that in the present climate of terrorism the cost of security would be astronomical and in the event of a successful terrorist attack the results could be horrendous.
DOMICILE ALLOTMENTS Imagine a Poly tunnel as long as a football field, 6 metre’s wide, partitioned every 10 metre’s, with a door crimped in the side with an anti condensation unit crimped on top. The greenhouse effect provides free lighting and heating, rain water could be caught and stored inside, providing fresh water and a heat sink, capturing heat during the day and giving it out at night, such a minimalistic structure could be constructed in minutes per unit and would provide a high tech low cost Eco abode reducing the necessity for transport, roads, power stations etc. providing self employment & fresh food. Allotment communities are great, ultra violet protected polythene is good for between 5-10 years and possibly recyclable? (See image above).
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